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Esoteric Spirits: Explaining (and Selling) the Process

As small, independent distillers find more curious consumers, they’re learning how to communicate the technical side of their craft—and it’s driving interest in their spirits.

Devon Trevathan May 2, 2024 - 12 min read

Esoteric Spirits: Explaining (and Selling) the Process  Primary Image

Photo courtesy FEW Spirits.

The craft wing of American distilling is nearly three decades old, and as it has matured, so have the processes that define it. Distillers are experimenting with and adopting boundary-pushing production techniques—and effectively communicating those processes to their consumers is an important way to help sell bottles.

Here, we look at two companies delving into intricate processes that sometimes verge on the arcane—but they’re explaining to consumers what they are doing on the way to producing some highly sought-after bottles.

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Devon Trevathan is a freelance trade writer as well as the cofounder and co-owner of Liba Spirits, a nomadic distilling company. She has held a variety of positions related to beverage alcohol: bartender, server, writer, brand ambassador, marketing consultant, tour guide, wine manager. Follow her on Instagram @devlovesbev for updates on the journey of owning a distilling company but mostly pictures of her dog Gilberto.