The Oxford Companion to Spirits and Cocktails

Fratelli Branca

Fratelli Branca is the Milan-based company known worldwide for its Fernet-Branca. See fernet. The notoriously bitter herbal spirit was created in 1845 by Bernardino Branca (1802–1886), a self-taught apothecary, perhaps as an anti-cholera tonic. His fernet became the archetype for a class of amari: strongly bitter, herbal, without much sugar, and with a relatively high alcohol content.

As Fernet-Branca’s popularity grew, his three sons—Luigi, Giuseppe, and Stefano—joined him in business. The home creation became a commercial enterprise and was named Fratelli Branca (“Branca Brothers”). The family showed a quick grasp for marketing, linking the brand to bold artwork on promotional calendars and posters. The brand spread through the world’s cities and became a standard in many bars.

When the global prohibition movement took hold, the company returned to its roots, promoting Fernet-Branca as a medicinal herbal tonic. That kept them steadily in business until the last years of World War II, when the Allied bombing campaign leveled much of industrial Milan. The company was quick to rebuild, but the brand slowed through the 1950s.

The cocktail revival brought new interest to the brand in the early 2000s, and the company brought brands like Punt e Mes and Carpano Classic into the portfolio through the acquisition of Carpano (of Turin) in 2001. Sales and the company profile increased through the 2010s.

The company is still family-controlled, run by Niccolò Branca (1957–), the sixth generation of Brancas to operate the company. They maintain the company motto: Novare Serbando, or “Renew, but conserve,” a simultaneous tip of the hat to innovation and tradition.

“Fratelli Branca.” Wikipedia. (accessed March 19, 2021).

Fratelli Branca company website. (accessed March 19, 2021).

“Fratelli Branca Distillerie S.r.l.” Difford’s Guide. (accessed March 19, 2021).

By: Lew Bryson