The Oxford Companion to Spirits and Cocktails


Batida is a Brazilian drink made from cachaça (or any other spirit) shaken up, or more commonly blended, with lime or other fresh tropical fruits and sugar (its name comes from the Portuguese word for “beaten” or “shaken”). The drink’s origin goes back to the late nineteenth or early twentieth century; today, its variations are almost without number; the ones that seem most popular feature the addition of coconut milk or condensed milk. Like the Piña Colada, which it resembles, the Batida is a fresh, frothy, sweet treat.

Recipe (Batida de Coco): Combine in blender 60 ml cachaça, 15 ml lime juice, 30 ml coconut cream, 30 ml coconut milk, 7 ml passion fruit puree, and 250 ml cracked ice. Blend until smooth and pour into tall glass.

See also Caipirinha.

Costa, Roberto. Traçado geral das batidas. Rio de Janeiro: Civilização Brasileira, 1974.

By: Ivy Mix