The Oxford Companion to Spirits and Cocktails

Boothby, William T. “Cocktail Bill”

Boothby, William T. “Cocktail Bill” (1862–1930), was a man of many talents: minstrel, tailor, realtor, streetcar conductor, San Francisco assemblyman. But he was best remembered as San Francisco’s premier bar man. Boothby’s Bay Area bartending career began across the bay at Byron Hot Springs Hotel, thirty miles southeast of Oakland, where he catered to the rich and famous in1889. After a short stay in 1890 at the Silver Palace on Geary Street in San Francisco, he became the head barkeeper at the prestigious Hotel Rafael Club House in Marin County.

During employment at these three locations, Boothby began keeping notes of cocktail recipes, valuable secrets for liquor dealers, and tips to members of the trade with the thought of publishing a bartending guide. His first publication, Cocktail Boothby’s American Bar-Tender, came out in 1891, priced at 50 cents. (Only two known copies still exist, both in the California Historical Society.)

After serving a one-year term as a California State assemblyman in 1894–1895, Boothby opened the Parker House on Union Square. Soon thereafter, he was elected president of the Unity Club, a protection group for the “white apron club.” He reprinted his book twice in 1900 with two separate editions. After the 1906 San Francisco earthquake and fire destroyed most of his books, and the printing plates were destroyed in the Call Building on Market Street. He published a 1908 edition, followed a few years later by a second “1908” edition; both were titled The World’s Drinks and How to Mix Them and are now known as The “Honorable” William “Cocktail Bill” Boothby. His employment as a bartender continued at the Fairmont Hotel, Pacific Buffet, and Palace Hotel before he closed out his career serving soft drinks during Prohibition at the Olympic Club and Far Western Travelers Club—a tragic end for San Francisco’s premier bartender. Boothby died in August 1930 and was buried at Greenlawn Memorial Park in Colma. His funeral was attended by bartenders from throughout the country.

Boothby, William T. “Cocktail Bill” Boothby’s World Drinks and How to Prepare Them. San Francisco: Boothby’s World Drinks, 1930.

Boothby, William T. Cocktail Boothby’s American Bar-Tender. ed. David Burkhart. 1891; repr., San Francisco: Anchor Distilling, 2009.

Boothby, William T. Cocktail Boothby’s American Bar-Tender. San Francisco: Pacific News, 1900.

Boothby, William T. The World’s Drinks and How to Mix Them, 2nd ed. San Francisco: Pacific Buffet, 1908.

Boothby Collection, California Historical Society San Francisco.

By: John C. Burton