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Gunpowder and Mole Fractions: Measuring the Alcohol of Spirits Is Not as Simple as You Think

While ABV and proof are the most common methods for measuring spirit strength, they aren’t the only ones. Here’s a look at two alternative methods that you should know.

Reade Huddleston Oct 25, 2024 - 11 min read

Gunpowder and Mole Fractions: Measuring the Alcohol of Spirits Is Not as Simple as You Think Primary Image

Gunpowder Photo: Dmitri T/Shutterstock

Being able to measure the alcohol content of a spirit is an important skill for a distiller. If you don’t know the amount of alcohol in your products, you won’t be able to keep your products consistent, and you will undoubtedly run afoul of the tax man.

However, you may not realize that there are more ways to measure alcohol content than ABV and proof. In fact, there are so many different ways to do it, you could devote an entire book to the subject. Sadly, we don’t have that kind of space in a single article, so here are two of the most-common alternative ways to measure alcohol content in the products in the distillery.

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Reade Huddleston is director of distillation and spirits for Monster Brewing. Huddleston received his masters in brewing and distilling science from Heriot-Watt University in Scotland and has been working professionally in brewing and distilling for the past 11 years in Britain, Canada, and the United States.