The Oxford Companion to Spirits and Cocktails

royal or royale (sometimes even exaggerated into imperial)

royal or royale (sometimes even exaggerated into imperial) designates, in the lexicon of mixed drinks, an existing drink that has been enhanced by adding wine, and particularly champagne, to it.

See champagne cocktails and punch.

Wondrich, David. Punch, or The Delights and Dangers of the Flowing Bowl. New York: Perigee, 2010.

By: David Wondrich

Thomas Rowlandson’s 1810 print of the West India Docks, the center of Britain’s rum trade.

Wondrich Collection.

royal or royale (sometimes even exaggerated into imperial) Primary Image Thomas Rowlandson’s 1810 print of the West India Docks, the center of Britain’s rum trade. Source: Wondrich Collection.