Sailor Guevara

Sailor Guevara is a spirits specialist, hospitality veteran, published author, podcast host, and award-winning mixologist who’s been involved with the spirits industry for 30-plus years. She won the Icon of Whiskey Award in 2020, bestowed on the individual who most capably advances understanding and appreciation for the craft of whiskey-making.

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Planning with Care: What to Know about Designing a Craft Distillery

Thinking of starting a distillery? Besides raising the capital to build it, the most crucial step will be planning the layout. Here are some pointers from the experts to get you started.

The Case for New-Fashioned Old Fashioneds

Disregard the purists. The sky’s the limit when it comes to variations on the old fashioned—especially when you make your own bitters or syrup, or when you change things up with the whiskey.