
How to Help Them Taste Whiskey Like a Pro

Whiskey isn’t for everyone, but it would be a shame to turn off anyone who has the potential to love and appreciate it. Here are some tips on how to help others approach whiskey with a mindset that gives them the best chance to enjoy it in their own way.

The Role of Enzymes in the Distillery

Whether unlocked from the grain or added with intention, enzymes are tools to help distillers better craft the spirits they envision.

Video Tip: Using a Lab Still to Check the ABV of Liqueurs and Cocktails

In this clip from his video course, Jamie Burns of The Family Jones in Denver explains how you can use a lab still to check the alcoholic strength of liqueurs and cocktails.

Video Tip: The Components of a Lab Still

In this clip from his video course, Jamie Burns of The Family Jones in Denver introduces you to the components of his lab still and other safety and operating equipment.

Elevating Liqueurs at the American Bar

In the second of a two-part series, we move beyond liqueur production to its context, looking for where these drinks might fit best (and more often) into North American drinking culture.

Exploring Blending and Batching Systems in the Beverage Industry

From soft drinks to alcoholic beverages and everything in between, efficient blending and batching systems are crucial for meeting the demands of this fast-paced industry.

Chart a Course to Your Best Absinthe

You’re not hallucinating: Absinthe is enjoying some overdue growth among American drinkers. In the first of a two-part series, we consider its background and trajectory—and in the next, we’ll zoom in on the craft of making it.

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Assembling Your Absinthe Bouquet

Once you understand the basics of absinthe and broadly which path you intend to follow, it’s time to make some flavor decisions. Here we consider how you can put your own thumbprint on the spirit via botanicals and other creative choices.

Shipping Spirits, Straight to Customers: The Legal Landscape

Want to ship your product directly to those who’d like to enjoy it? It may be possible, depending on where you distill and where they live. Here’s what to know—and why this niche market may grow in the future.

What It Means to Be an American Whiskey

Popular at the bar and overseas—whether commonly available brands or rarities sought by collectors—American whiskey is surging. But before you explore the category, it’s worth asking: What defines it? The answer is … complicated.